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Case Study

Future-proofing a vehicle steering system

The Challenge

A German premium car manufacturer was faced with a major challenge. Their internal analyses revealed that a significant number of steering systems caused acoustic problems. The aim of the project was to define the interfering and functional noises, come up with a plan to eliminate them, and introduce alternative concepts that reduce compromises in terms of driving dynamics and improve the business case.

How? Our approach

In a first step, we identified OEM-internal and external project partners and defined work packages, schedules, working groups and decision-making bodies. To identify and clearly describe disturbing and functional noises, we developed event chains from noise excitation to the driver’s ear. We also created alternative solutions using tests and simulations – and later prioritised them based on customer criteria and individual business case.

So what? Our impact

Based on our research, we created an acoustic path from noise excitation to the driver’s ear that is used across all of the OEM’s enterprises. This innovative solution optimizes function, manufacturing, costs and investments – and is also the OEM’s new conceptual standard for future steering systems. Turning this concept into action, we also defined new testing and validation standards.

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