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Insight & Opinion

Will car-sharing remain a niche market or revolutionize the Automotive Industry?

July 13,2018
Shared mobility is one of the buzz words when discussing the future of mobility. It bears the potential of profoundly changing user mobility behaviour. The scope of shared mobility is diverse, highly dynamic and innovative – two indications being the quickly increasing number of players in the industry and the investments in shared mobility start-ups and technologies, which currently sum up to €42 bn worldwide. Car-sharing with leading players like the OEM-backed DriveNow and Car2go is only one prominent segment of the shared mobility market. Other services such as ride-hailing or ride-sharing are drawing the vast majority of these investments.   As an automotive management consultancy, Strategy Engineers has had the opportunity to dig deeper into the evolving space of shared mobility in several client projects. Based on this experience, we want to share our lessons learned on the current state and the mid-term perspectives of shared mobility. We do this in two consecutive reports:   In the first part, published here, we focus exclusively on car-sharing – the probably most hyped type of shared mobility. We analyse established car-sharing operating models regarding their profitability and scalability, and examine the mid-term development of the global car-sharing market. Our findings indicate that although car-sharing will continue to grow quickly in the near future, it will remain a niche market – reason being that both the revenues forecast as well as the expected car-sharing fleet size are negligible.   So, if car-sharing will not be the dominant type of future shared mobility, what else will it be? This question is the starting point of our second report, in which we take one step back and look at the bigger picture of future personal mobility in view of advances in autonomous vehicles.

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